Have you ever wondered how elite Chinese weightlifters learned weightlifting technique?
Or maybe you want to learn to implement Chinese weightlifting technique in your own lifting or instruction?
Now, you too can learn the Chinese weightlifting technique for the snatch, clean, and jerk under the guidance of an expert coach!
The Ma Strength Level 1 Seminar will teach you the Chinese technique for snatch, clean, and jerk. Over the course of 2 days, you’ll engage in plenty of practice while receiving feedback individually and as a group.
For athletes, the goal of this seminar is to learn how to perform these lifts in a consistent way to maximize your training.
For coaches, the seminar will teach you progressions, cues, and technical details to enhance your analysis of Olympic weightlifting.
- All Ma Strength Seminars are taught by Manuel Buitrago, PhD
Learning Objectives
- Understand Chinese weightlifting philosophy and the scientific principles that make the techniques so effective.
- Learn how to adjust your airflow to access weightlifting positions.
- Learn a 7-part snatch progression to build up to a full snatch from the floor – even if you’re a complete beginner.
- Drill 6 progressive movements to perform a full clean from the floor.
- Practice 5 progressive movements that will allow you to perform a professional-level power jerk, squat jerk, and split jerk.
- Seminars are usually 2 days, but they can be adjusted to a 1-day format
- For maximum benefit, you should already know how to back squat, front squat, and overhead squat with an empty barbell.
Facility Requirements
- PVC’s
- Men’s and women’s weightlifting bars
- At least 1 (4×8) dry-erase board with markers
- Chairs, benches, or boxes suitable for lecture presentations
- Light bumpers (2.5kg, 5kg, and/or 10kg plates or equivalent in pounds) because Level 1 focuses on technique rather than maxing out.
- Spatial requirements are flexible. Some gyms have space and equipment to outfit everyone with a bar while others require the class to break up into pairs or groups of 3.
- English
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Seminar providers will provide a translator for other languages, if necessary.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- Participants may claim 14 hours of CEUs towards their continuing education (backed by CrossFit and NASM). An electronic certificate is delivered upon completion of the seminar.
- Portuguese participants may claim 2.8 CEUs backed by the IDPJ and in collaboration with MasterScience Lab. You must provide your NIF, DT/TEF, and student ID number upon seminar registration.
- Please consult your certification organization about redeeming CEUs.

- After the seminar, participants are encouraged to leave feedback on the course content, course materials, course instructor, and whether stated learning objectives were met.
Refund/Cancellation Policy
- Please see the shipping policy for exchanges/cancellations.
- For other inquiries, please contact us